16°43’25.58″N 2°59’29.18″W, Mali, alongside Timbuktu Airport.
A 13 km long artificial canal connected Kabara with Timbuktu since the 17th century. The canal was used by pirogues and sailing ships. It served to transport people and goods and connected Timbuktu with the Niger. This canal dried up again and again in modern times, has now silted up and is only visible as a ditch in a few places.
MINUSMA super camp, Timbuktu, Mali
Very near contest #007.
(Part of)Timbuktu Airport, Timbuktu, Mali.
A part of the Timbuktu Airport terrain in Mali.
Minusma Base, Timbuktu Airport, Mali
16°43’22.9″N 2°59’34.8″W
16.723017, -2.993005
According to the whereongoogleearth kml file Mali was visited in contest #7 so I didn’t look there until I saw the update, but I was all over Burkina Faso.
16°43’25.58″N 2°59’29.18″W, Mali, alongside Timbuktu Airport.
A 13 km long artificial canal connected Kabara with Timbuktu since the 17th century. The canal was used by pirogues and sailing ships. It served to transport people and goods and connected Timbuktu with the Niger. This canal dried up again and again in modern times, has now silted up and is only visible as a ditch in a few places.
MINUSMA super camp, Timbuktu, Mali
Very near contest #007.
(Part of)Timbuktu Airport, Timbuktu, Mali.
A part of the Timbuktu Airport terrain in Mali.
Minusma Base, Timbuktu Airport, Mali
16°43’22.9″N 2°59’34.8″W
16.723017, -2.993005
According to the whereongoogleearth kml file Mali was visited in contest #7 so I didn’t look there until I saw the update, but I was all over Burkina Faso.