Built by the countries of North and South Rhodesia (now Zambia and Zimbabwe respectively), this dam provided much-needed electric power to both countries.
It also created the largest man-made lake, Lake Kariba, by flooding the Kariba Gorge. 57,000 people were forcibly resettled out of the gorge. Of course, thousands of animals were also living in that gorge, including elephants, rhinos, lions, and other big cats and zebras. Rupert Fothergill, Rhodesia’s Chief Game Warden, instituted and led “Operation Noah” to rehome as many of those affected animals as possible. He and his team saved over 6000 animals over a 5-year period, most taken to Matusadona National Park.
Those who found the site before the hint:
- Phil Ower
- hhgygy
- Martin de Bock
- Paul Voestermans
- Graham Hedley
- Garfield
- Eloy Cano
- Lighthouse
- mccrumplair
And after the hint:
- Robin Giles
- LawnBoy
- Gillian B
- Robert
- Hilde Lambeir
- Luís Filipe Miguel