Yet another set of stairs immortalized in cinema. There’s also a VERY old tapestry found here.
Contest #897
Contest #895 Hint
This set of stairs was from the ending of what is most definately not a Christmas movie!
Contest #892 Hint
Average grade is 45%, but some sections reach up to 68%. The suggested grade for an extension ladder is only 75%
Contest #892
Contest #891 – Oia Steps to Ammoudi Bay, Santorini, Greece
First, a very sincere apology to Angie CF. When I was preparing the reveal for last week’s contest, and the end of the series, I somehow missed your answer and failed to recognize you as a perfect score and co-winner of the series. By the time you read this, I will have modified the reveal and score pages to recognize your achievement. Also, I am human, and I’m always happy to fix my mistakes when I make them. If I ever miss someone, do not hesitate to write me directly ( and I will get straight to work on correcting the error. Now, on to the reveal!!
There are 2 famous sets of stairs in Santorini that lead from the sea to a city on the hill. The cruise ships dock next to Fira and there are a set of stairs that lead from the pier up to town. This is where you’ll find the infamous donkey rides up the hill, but also a nice cable car.
The contest this week is a set of stairs on the other side of the island in the city of Oia. Oia is what people think of when they think about Santorini, or, in many cases, Greece itself. Gorgeous whitewashed houses, some with blue domed roofs, set against a rugged cliff overlooking the sea. These stairs are used to get back and forth from the city to Ammoudi Bay.
Those who went down for some really good seafood, all before the hint:
- Glenmorren
- Martin de Bock
- Paul Voestermans
- Angie CF
- Graham Hedley
- hhgygy
- Lighthouse
- Phil Ower
- Andy McConnell
- Kent Pearson
- Ashwini Agrawal
- Turriant
- Garfield
- Eloy Cano
- bernd
- Bas van Limpt
Contest #891 Hint
On the same island as the ones with the donkeys.
Contest #890
Contest #885 Hint
Over 800 steps or a cable car ride gets you from the visitor centre to this spectacular location.
Contest #883: Sandhills of Nebraska, US
The lake in the middle of the image is Egan Lake, located in the Sandhills of Nebraska. This part of the state is a region of mixed-grass prairie on grass-stabilized sand dunes, covering just over one quarter of the state. The dunes were designated a National Natural Landmark in 1984.
The Sandhills sit atop the massive Ogallala Aquifer; thus both temporary and permanent shallow lakes are common in low-lying valleys between the grass-stabilized dunes prevalent in the Sandhills.
Found before the hint:
- Martin de Bock
- Glenmorren
- Angie CF
- Garfield
- hhgygy
- Eloy Cano
- Paul Voestermans
- Lighthouse
- Turriant
- Phil Ower
- Graham Hedley
After the hint:
- Bas van Limpt
- Bernd