Contest #865: the ancient city of Chan Chan, Peru

The ancient city of Chan Chan or Chimor was the capital of the Chimor kingdom, located just west of the modern city of Trujillo, Peru. Chan Chan is located in the Moche River valley, and accessed runoff from the Andes Mountains through a series of irrigation systems. It spanned up to 20 square kilometres with a dense urban area of six square kilometers with extravagant ciudadelas. These cuidadelas were large architectural masterpieces for the royal class.

The section of Chan Chan in the image is close to Xllangchic An or Sunrise House at the east end of the city. It is one of the areas used for the working class.

Before the hint:

  • hhgygy
  • Lighthouse
  • Paul Voestermans
  • Garfield
  • Eloy Cano
  • Phil Ower
  • Bas van Limpt
  • Graham Hedley
  • Angie CF
  • Glenmorren
  • Donaaronio

Contest #854: the Starship Enterprise in Vulcan, Alberta, Canada

Vulcan, Alberta in southern Canada was our stop this week – home to a large model of the Starship Enterprise FX6-1995-A from the Star Trek series.

Not named Vulcan after the home planet of Spock, but after the Roman god of fire by a railway surveyor fond of the classical world, the town has embraced its link to the Star Trek planet. Throughout the town, one can find Star Trek memorabilia in business names or in the lampposts and painted crosswalks. Vulcan is recognized as the “Official Star Trek Capital of Canada” and attracts tourists visiting to say they’ve been to Vulcan!

Finding the Starship before the hint:

  • Paul Voestermans
  • Graham Hedley
  • Martin de Bock
  • Phil Over
  • Garfield
  • hhgygy
  • Bas van Limpt
  • Glenmorren
  • Hatterman
  • Angie CF

And after the hint:

  • The Curiosity
  • robin

Contest #828 — Uunartoq Hot Springs, Qaqortoq, Greenland

This little spot in the south of Greenland is one of the only hot springs on the island nation that is warm enough to actually bathe in. The justaposition between the warm water and the icebergs in the distance, nestled in this beautifully stark valley, makes this spot a unique, but very hard to get to, location.

Those who found it before the hint:

  • Martin de Bock
  • Paul Voestermans
  • Graham Hedley
  • Garfield
  • hhgygy
  • Eloy Cano
  • Phil Ower
  • Angie CF
  • Bas Van Limpt
  • Zorro the Fox
  • Lighthouse

And after the hint:

  • Ashwini Agrawal