Spillway for dam at Robert Bourassa Generating Facility, near Radisson, Quebec, Canada.
Robert-Bourassa power station, Baie-James, Quebec, Canada
Robert-Bourassa Spillway
Baie-James, Quebec, Canada
53°47’36.58″ N 77°27’00.89″ W
The Robert-Bourassa Reservoir, located in northern Quebec, in Canada. The centerpiece of the dam and reservoir is the immense spillway aptly called “the giant’s staircase.”
Coordinates 53.792621°, -77.454136°.
Spillway of the Robert-Bourassa generating station, formerly known as La Grande-2, Quebec, Canada
Robert-Bourassa Dam Spillway, Quebec, Canada.
53°47’35.75″N, 77°27’6.99″W
Spillway for dam at Robert Bourassa Generating Facility, near Radisson, Quebec, Canada.
Robert-Bourassa power station, Baie-James, Quebec, Canada
Robert-Bourassa Spillway
Baie-James, Quebec, Canada
53°47’36.58″ N 77°27’00.89″ W
The Robert-Bourassa Reservoir, located in northern Quebec, in Canada. The centerpiece of the dam and reservoir is the immense spillway aptly called “the giant’s staircase.”
Coordinates 53.792621°, -77.454136°.
Spillway of the Robert-Bourassa generating station, formerly known as La Grande-2, Quebec, Canada
Robert-Bourassa Generating Station, Canada
53°47′43″N 77°26′26″W
Robert-Bourassa Spillway
La Grande Riviere Reservoir
Quebec, Canada
53°47’36.2″N 77°26’46.7″W
53.793387, -77.446293
Robert-Bourassa generating station
“Giant Staircase” Robert-Bourassa Reservoir, CA