Sculpture – Children are the Victims Of Adult Vices. Moscow, Russia
Profkurort – Moscow
Children Are the Victims of Adult Vices, a group of bronze sculptures created by Russian artist Mihail Chemiakin. The sculptures are located in a park in Bolotnaya Square, Balchug, 2,000 feet (610 metres) south of the Moscow Kremlin.
Coordinates 55.745592°, 37.618869°.
Children Are the Victims of Adult Vices
Bolotnaya Square, Moscow, Russia
55.745935°N 37.619376°E
It’s about the sculpture: Children Are the Victims of Adult Vices – Monument, I guess. No, I’m sure. 😉
Боло́тная пло́щадь площадь в Москве, расположенная в районе Якиманка на острове Балчуг между Фалеевским переулком, улицами Болотной и Серафимовича.
55°44′43″ с. ш.
37°37′04″ в. д.
Bolotnaja-Platz, Balchug, Moskau
55°44’46.10″ N 37°37’09.70″ E
Bolotnaja ploshad’, Moscow
Sculpture – Children are the Victims Of Adult Vices. Moscow, Russia
Profkurort – Moscow
Children Are the Victims of Adult Vices, a group of bronze sculptures created by Russian artist Mihail Chemiakin. The sculptures are located in a park in Bolotnaya Square, Balchug, 2,000 feet (610 metres) south of the Moscow Kremlin.
Coordinates 55.745592°, 37.618869°.
Children Are the Victims of Adult Vices
Bolotnaya Square, Moscow, Russia
55.745935°N 37.619376°E
It’s about the sculpture: Children Are the Victims of Adult Vices – Monument, I guess. No, I’m sure. 😉
Боло́тная пло́щадь площадь в Москве, расположенная в районе Якиманка на острове Балчуг между Фалеевским переулком, улицами Болотной и Серафимовича.
55°44′43″ с. ш.
37°37′04″ в. д.
Bolotnaja-Platz, Balchug, Moskau
55°44’46.10″ N 37°37’09.70″ E
Plaza bolotnaya
Bolotnaya Naberezhnaya, 14, Moscow, Russia, 119072
55°44’45.3″N 37°37’08.1″E
55.745907, 37.618906
Children Are the Victims of Adult Vices, Moscow,37.618656,326m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
Bolotnaya square, Moskou
sculpture Children Are the Victims of Adult Vices