37°51’27.54″S 175°40’55.71″E New Zealand Lord of the Rings – Hobbiton – Movieset http://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/8997434.jpg
37°51’27.18″S 175°40’53.53″E Escenario donde se rodo El Señor de los Anillos. Exactamente Hobbiton http://www.flickr.com/photos/_belial/2470739470
Hobbiton (or at least, where the Hobbit village was filmed for the Lord of the Rings movies) near Matamata, New Zealand
Hobbiton Movie Set from the Lord of the Rings, located at 501 Buckland Road, Hinuera, Matamata, New Zealand (-37.858286,175.67982)
Buckland Rd 553
Matamata? 3472
Location in Lord of the Rings
Movie set near Matamata, New Zealand
“Hobbiton”, near Matamata, New Zealand.
37°51’27.54″S 175°40’55.71″E
New Zealand
Lord of the Rings – Hobbiton – Movieset
“Hobbiton”, near Matamata, New Zealand
at 37°51’25.86″S, 175°40’56.64″E
The film set for the Hobbitton in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, at Matamata, Waikato, New Zealand.
Alexander Farm, Matamata
Film location for The Shire in Lord of the Rings
Hobbiton, 501 Buckland Road, Matamata, New Zealand
Hobbiton external filming location, 501 Buckland Road, Hinuera, Matamata, NZ
37 51 31 S by 175 40 50 E
Methinks it’s part of The Shire/Hobbiton, southwest of Matamata NZ.
“Hobbiton” near Matamata New Zealand.
Escenario donde se rodo El Señor de los Anillos. Exactamente Hobbiton
Hobbiton set location, Matamata, NZ
Hobbiton movie set, Matamata, Waikato, New Zealand
Hobbiton (or at least, where the Hobbit village was filmed for the Lord of the Rings movies) near Matamata, New Zealand
Hobbiton Movie Set, where LOTR was filmed. 501 Buckland Road, Hinuera, Matamata, New Zealand.
Hobbit Village in Lord of the Rings, Matamata, New Zealand
Hobbiton movie set
01 Buckland Road, Hinuera, Matamata, NZ
lat : 37°51’25.35″S
long : 175°40’56.85″E
New zealand, location movie : hobbiton
Hobbiton Movie Set from the Lord of the Rings, located at 501 Buckland Road, Hinuera, Matamata, New Zealand (-37.858286,175.67982)