Rosslyn Chapel was featured in Dan Brown’s Fictional Novel, The Divinci Code, in which the chapel is a supposed burial site for the Holy Grail. While the novel, and later the Movie were both labeled as Fiction, it has spawned many legends and speculation surrounding the Rosslyn Chapel. The church itself, was built around 1456, by William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness. Many Alternative histories portray Rosslyn Chapel and the Sinclair family as linked to the Knights Templar and descendants of Jesus Christ.
Those who cracked the Code with the correct answer:
- Max_Power
- Dean G
- Milosh, Serbia
- Christy
- Roberto
- brian t
- Michael T
- Linda Holland
- BroderUlf
- Petko
- hhgygy
- Aaron Predeek
- Richard
Partial Credit goes to April Boone, vicky, Ashley who all identified the movie, but not the location.