Contest #380 Trift Bridge near Gadmen, Switzerland

The Trift Bridge is a very long pedestrian suspension bridge that provides spectactular views of the Triftsee, a glacial lake that forms the end of the Trift Glacier.


Those who walked the line included:

  • Garfield
  • hhgygy
  • Walter_V_R
  • Eloy Cano
  • Cloudspotter
  • Lighthouse
  • Phil Ower
  • mehmet durmus
  • steven simmons
  • steve willis
  • krenek
  • Chris Nason
  • Marcel
  • Paul Voestermans
  • Dennis S.
  • Marisa Boraas
  • rob de wolff

After the hint:

  • Bill Close

And this concludes Andrew and Paul’s first series. Hearty congratulations to our series champs Garfield, Lighthouse, and Phil Ower.

Contest #378 Answer: Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, China

Between 1923 and 1937, a group of fossils were unearthed at a site near Bejing (which, at the time, was referred to in the west as “Peking”) that belonged to Homo erectus pekinensis, is an example of Homo erectus. As war approached in 1941, the fossils were spirited away to protect them. The problem is, they disappeared along the way.

Peking Man

Today, the site is run under the auspices of the Beijing People’s Municipal Government. The local government has built a new museum, which can be seen in the lower right hand of the contest image.

Peking Man Museum

Those who dug up the answer were:

  • Garfield
  • Phil Ower
  • Lighthouse

After the hint:

  • Mehmet DURMUS
  • steve willis
  • krenek
  • hhgygy
  • Walter_V_R
  • Eloy Cano

Contest #377 Answer: 12° 34′ 56″ North 12° 34′ 56″ West

This week’s contest was an attempt to drive our contestants to “think outside of the box” (or, more appropriately, at the corners of the coordinate box). The site was chosen entirely based on the interesting coordinate sequence. The inspiration for chosing this location came from a recent perusal of a website called dedicated to documenting and photographing points on the earth where integer coordinates meet (like, for example, 47°N 9°E)

The site, interestingly enough since it is in the north western quadrasphere, is in Senegal Africa. Specifically, the area just south of the Nikolo Koba national park.

Those who found it (all before the Wednesday hint):

  • Lighthouse
  • Garfield