Contest #830

This series of contests has had a theme – so to wrap it up, we have a special three part contest. Identify all three locations that are somewhat related to the theme.

Location 1.


Location 2.


Location 3.


20 Replies to “Contest #830”

  1. Location 2:
    Gdansk, but I don’t know what I am looking at. Kamienice ul Ogarnej??

  2. 1. Birthplace of Celsius, Uppsala, Sweden
    2. Birthplace of Fahrenheit, Gdansk, Poland
    3. Mount Kelvin, New Zealand
    Nice trio

  3. Location 1

    Uppsala, Sweden, birthplace of Anders Celsius.
    59°51’35.24″N 17°38’13.49″E

    Location 2

    Birthplace of Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, Gdansk, Poland
    54°20’51.49″N 18°39’8.92″E

    Location 3

    Mount Kelvin, New Zealand
    41°55’45.18″S 171°36’49.74″E

  4. What a great idea – I like it !

    Location 1 : Uppsala Astronomiska Observatory, Sweden,
    9°51’35.32″ N 17°38’13.87″ E
    The tower was dismounted in 1857. Now it is the CELSIUS-huset

    Location 2 : Ogarna 95, Gdanks, Poland,
    54°20’51.64″ N 18°39’12.00″ E
    Daniel FAHRENHEIT’s House

    Location 3 : Mount KELVIN, New Zealand,
    41°55’46.16″ S 171°37’06.12″ E

  5. [1] Celsiushuset in Uppsala, Sweden [2] 95 Gabriel Fahrenheit’s birthplace in Gdansk, Poland [3] Mount Kelvin in new Zealand … PHEW… … … …

  6. 1. Celsiushuset, Uppsala, Sweden
    59.859727° 17.636943°
    2. Location of Fahrenheit’s birth in Gdańsk, Poland
    54.347551° 18.652534°
    3. Mount Kelvin, Paparoa Range, Te Waipounamu

  7. Getting all my facts straight here:

    #1 – Celsius Labratory, Uppsala, Sweden. – Celsius Invented the Celsius Temp. Scale

    #2 – Daniel Fahrenheit’s House, Gdansk, Poland, inventor of the Fahrenheit Temp. Scale.

    #3 – 41°55’54.07″S, 171°36’39.55″E, Batty Creek near Mt Jacobsen, New Zealand – discovery of Uranium, eventual invention of nuclear fission – very hot temps resulted.

  8. Location 3: Mount Kelvin, South Island, New Zealand.

    Location 1 was the Celsiushuset and Celsiustorgetin Uppsala, named after Anders Celsius, location 2 was the birthhouse of Gabriel Fahrenheit at Ogarna 95 in Dansk.

  9. 1: Celsiusastronomen
    Svartbäcksgatan, Uppsala, Sweden
    59°51’34.1″N 17°38’14.5″E

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