Posted on June 29, 2023June 27, 2023 by AndrewElimination #11 Down to 2! Garfield Lighthouse Paul Voestermans Martin de Bock Eloy Cano Glenmorren Week #10 was the Hassts Bluff dump in the southern section of the Northern Territory in Australia.
Canada: Big Valley in Stettler County, Alberta Remains of the Roundhouse complex with locomotive turntable 52°01’57.67″ N 112°44’56.86″ W
Canada: Big Valley in Stettler County, Alberta
Remains of the Roundhouse complex with locomotive turntable
52°01’57.67″ N 112°44’56.86″ W
Big Valley Roundhouse, Alberta, Canada
52° 1’58.14″N 112°44’56.10″W