Built in 1984, Max the Moose was designed to be a tourist attraction for the city of Moose Jaw. The construction process involved a steel frame covered with metal mesh and four coats of cement. Max is over 10 metres tall and weighs in around 10,000 kg.
For those wondering g about the name Moise Jaw, it comes from a Cree name for the place, moscâstani-sîpiy, meaning “a warm place by the river”. The first two syllables, moscâ-, sound remarkably like “moose jaw”.
Finding Mac before the hint:
- Lighthouse
- Phil Ower
- Eloy Cano
- Garfield
- hhgygy
- Martin de Bock
- Paul Voestermans
- Bas can Limpt
And after the hint
- Alison C Emann
- Graham Hedley
- Robin
- Tommy Ny