By Tim Adams – Own work, CC BY 3.0, Link
The current cathedral here was built starting in the 1600s on the sight of 2 previous houses of worship, one which was converted to a mosque before the reconquista in the mid 700s, then another one built to replace that one in approximately 1100.
The church includes the widest Gothic nave in the world and is home to the Tapestry of Creation.
Game of Thrones fans may recognize the cathedral and it’s steps as the Great Sept house of worship, destroyed in the an episode in Season 6.
Those who found it before the hint:
- hhgygy
- Martin de Bock
- Glenmorren
- Paul Voestermans
- Phil Ower
- Eloy Cano
- Garfield
- Bas van Limpt
- Lighthouse
- Graham Hedley
- Angie CF
And after the hint:
- bernd
- LRey