The Church of St. Simeon the Canaanite is located near the town of New Athos in Abkhazia/Georgia 43°05’25.73″ N 40°48’58.88″ E
The Church of St. Simeon the Canaanite is located near the town of New Athos in Abkhazia/Georgia
43°05’25.73″ N 40°48’58.88″ E
Psirtskha Station, New Athos, Abkhazia, Georgia?
43° 05’27.21″ N
40°48’57.30″ E
New Athos, Abkhasia, Georgia
Psyrtskha Railway Station, Abkhazia
43°5’30.97″N 40°48’56.68″E
A good one!
Psyrtskha railway station New Athos, Abkhazia.
Coordinates 43.091912°, 40.815725°.