In 1986, Coca-Cola turned 100 years old. The company’s affiliate in Chile decided to commemorate the anniversary by building a copy of the logo that read “Coca-Cola: 100 Años” They used 70,000 empty bottles, arranged in the sand over a 400×150 foot area.
In 2011, the company went back, cleaned up the 25 years of damage, and changed the subtitle to “125 Años”.
Those who drank the coke included:
- hhgygy
- Lighthouse
- Walter_V_R
- Martin de Bock
- Paul Voestermans
- David Kozina
- Gillian B
- Garfield
- Jesus Rodriguez
- Phil Ower
- Chris Nason
- Rob de Wolff
- gscrp
- Steve Hoge
- Hilde Lambeir
- Yakubi Dergahi
- Elizabeth A Montes
And after the hint:
- Jeather
- Ashwini Agrawal