Contest #455: Harinagar and Sundarbans, Bangladesh

This location is on the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta which covers parts of both India and Bangladesh. The cultivated area in the northern part of the image is Harinagar, Bangladesh.

Inhabited and cultivated land extends from the north all the way across the delta, while the southern parts of the delta towards the Bay of Bengal are uninhabited and some parts are protected by The Sundarbans mangrove forest World Heritage site (Bangladesh –″), as well as India’s Sundarbans National Park World Heritage site ( This location was selected because of this sharp visual contrast between the inhabited and cultivated areas and the adjacent uninhabited areas just across the distributary channels.

Harinagar, like many parts of this region, is highly susceptible to flooding and sea level rise. According to this story in Scientific American ( local residents are at risk of becoming (or have already become) climate change refugees.

One of the more famous species living in the Sundarbans is the Bengal tiger which is diminishing in number. A document evaluating the Bangladesh Sundarbans for World Heritage site status ( reported an annual mean of 22 human deaths from attacks by “man-eating tigers” between 1947 and 1983.

Found before the hint:

  • hhgygy
  • Marisa Boraas
  • Phil Ower
  • Glenmorren
  • Tim
  • Garfield
  • Wista
  • Lighthouse
  • Eloy Cano
  • Robin
  • Ann K.

And after the hint:

  • Max_Power
  • Ashwini Agrawal
  • Steve J
  • steven simmons
  • Barbie