No contest this week

I am very sorry. but due to the nasty and sorrow news today there will be no contest this week.
We’ll continue next friday.


7 Replies to “No contest this week”

  1. Dat begrijpen we volkomen, Karel.
    We leven mee met al die families die nu moeten trachten dit een plaats te geven.

  2. My condolences to you and yours after such a dark day…
    Best regards,

  3. Dear Karel,i’m condolences to you. God be with you.
    Best regards,
    Mehmet from Izmir, Turkey.

  4. My condolences to you and the people in the Netherlands and Malaysia, as well as all the countries represented on the plane. You have made the right decision. Andrew

  5. My thoughts are with you during this terrible time of senseless loss and sorrow.

    Dennis S.

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