On October 17 2011, Spaceport America was officially opened by Virgin Galactic boss Richard Branson.
It is located in the the Jornada del Muerto desert basin in New Mexico and designed to host the first commercial space flights, which probably will take place later this year.
I was waiting for this location to show up in Google Earth, which finally happened with the March 21 imagery update.
Those who booked their ticket
- steve willis
- Ernesto Posse
- quiltadel
- mccrumplair
- hhgygy
- Andy M, USA
- trull
- Skip
- Pascal Gilbraith
- Paul Franson
- Sasha Smith
– hint –
- Sarah G.
- mehtab sond
- Paul Voestermans
- Enrique
- Thomas Egan
- Dennis S.