16 Replies to “Contest #177”

  1. Mount Shinmoe-dake (stratovolcano) of Kirishima late Pleistocene to Holocene group.
    Kyushu, Japan 31.91N, 130.88E
    Erupted 26th Jan 2011 frequent eruptions reported since 8th.C.

  2. Google maps labels it Mt. Sginmoe, but I think they really mean Mt. Shinmoe near Kirishima on the Japanese Island of Kyushu. It has been erupting over the last week and a half.

  3. Mt. Shinmoe, part of the Krirshima Voclano Group on Kyushu, Japan. It erupted last January. I noticed it is also labeled Mt. Sginmoe, Mt. Sindake, Sakurajima, Shinmo-dake, Shimmo-dake. I’m just going to list them all to be safe 🙂
    Thanks again for running this, it makes my Friday evenings fun and sometimes many other evenings too!

  4. between Kagoshima and Takaharu, Japan at 31 degrees latitude N and 130 degrees longitude E. Possibly called Mt. Shinnendake??

  5. Shinmoedake in Japan. Also known as the secret rocket base in “You Only Live Twice”.

  6. Mt. Shinmoedake/Shimmoe-dake Kyushu Island, japan.
    Google earth has a different spelling.
    I still don’t know what the former star has to do with this. The fint wasn’t helpful.

  7. Mount Shinmoedake in Kirishima mountain range in Kagoshima prefecture. Featured in James Bond You Only Live Twice

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