Devils Tower, Wyoming. (44.590,-104.715) Tertiary phonolite intrusive into red Triassic Spearfish Formation (among others). Belle Fourche River at the bottom and right of the image. Been there, GigaPanned that:
OK, I can guess this one… Devil’s Tower, Wyoming…,+Crook,+Wyoming&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=45.284089,62.490234&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FUZfqAIdP2rC-Q&split=0&ll=44.590437,-104.715586&spn=0.009994,0.015256&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr
Devil’s Tower, in northeast Wyoming, USA. Approx 44 35’N 104 43’W. After last weeks Wash-out, I knew this one right off the bat.
Somewhere in Idaho?
Devils Tower, Wyoming. (44.590,-104.715)
Tertiary phonolite intrusive into red Triassic Spearfish Formation (among others). Belle Fourche River at the bottom and right of the image. Been there, GigaPanned that:
Devils Tower
OK, I can guess this one… Devil’s Tower, Wyoming…,+Crook,+Wyoming&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=45.284089,62.490234&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FUZfqAIdP2rC-Q&split=0&ll=44.590437,-104.715586&spn=0.009994,0.015256&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr
Devils Tower, Near Hulett, WY, US
Devil’s Tower, Wyoming
Devil’s Tower, in northeast Wyoming, USA. Approx 44 35’N 104 43’W.
After last weeks Wash-out, I knew this one right off the bat.
Devil’s Tower, Wyoming
Devil’s Tower, Wyoming
Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, USA
Devil’s tower, WY, USA.
Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming