Karel stayed at home for contest #46 picking the Maeslantkering storm barrier in the Rotterdam Harbor in the Netherlands. The barrier is part of the Deltawerken project to prevent flooding of the lowlands, after the great 1953 flood.
Reminder, please don’t use just your first name when answering questions. Use an initial, or a last name, or a nickname or something unique.
FYI, if we should have a tie for winner this set of contests (41-50), winning a past set will be used as a tie breaker. So even if you don’t get to do 51-60, getting all 10 correct will still set you up to pick locations for a future contest.
Those who put their finger in the dike for this contest:
- brian clements
- Joey Hazlett
- Brian
- Enrique S
- Kieth M
- Minkas
- Pan
- Linda Holland
- ej
- Sierralapiedra
- charlie my boy
- jvo
- Brian T
- Ewen
- Michael
- Milosh, Serbia
- Willem
- David S
- Skip (Austin, TX)
- PK