15 Replies to “Contest #476”

  1. Öresund Bridge and Tunnel connecting Malmö and Copenhagen.
    Flew over it by night recently and it looked beautiful!

  2. Peberholm Island, Denmark, part of the bridge-tunnel complex between Denmark and Sweden across Oresund Strait.

  3. Peberholm, part of the Øresund Bridge connecting Denmark with Sweden.
    55°35’57.63″N 12°45’6.28″E

  4. Oresund Bridge, connecting Denmark to Sweden
    55°36’01.36″ N 12°45’14.73″ E

  5. Perberholm, articifial island on the Øresund Bridge (or Øresundsbron) between Malmö, Swedend, and Copenhagen, Denmark.

    The larger island to the North is Saltholm, meaning “salt island”, so when the smaller artificial island to the south was buit for the ridge they naturally called it “pepper island”…

  6. The Øresund/Öresund/Oresund Bridge – combined railway and motorway bridge across the Øresund strait between Sweden and Denmark.

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