Updated .kmz file

Due to some permission errors in the previous kmz file, I had to recreate a new one. So if you’ll like to keep track of the previous WhereOnGoogleEarth locations you should replace your old file with this new one.

Contest #112

Next one is a little harder. I zoomed out a bit to make things easier, but you should name the location which is in the centre of the picture.

Contest #111 answer: Tenerife with Teide volcano

It is the highest mountain in Spain and the third largest volcano in the world: Mount Teide (Pico del Teide) on the Island of Tenerife in the Atlantic Ocean.

The volcano and its surroundings are on the National Heritage list of the UNESCO.

Due to the quality of the atmosphere there is a Telescope Observatory near the summit.

Some say that the next eruption could trigger a mega-tsunami which could threaten the East Coast of the USA, but according to others this is very unlikely.

Those who reached the summit in time:

  • Milosh, Serbia
  • Ivar Bonsaken
  • Michael T
  • Skip
  • Willem
  • David S.
  • Max_Power
  • brian t
  • ej