Contest #886 – The Church of St. Igor of Chernigov, Novo Peredelkino, Russia

Церковь Святого Игоря Черниговского (Ново-Переделкино) (04).jpg
By Ap1915Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

The primate of the Russian Orthodox Church holds the title “Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia”. Most of the year the Patriarch lives in a residence in Moscow about 5km from St. Basil’s Cathedral, where he presides. In the summer, though, the Patriarch hangs out at the Patriarsaya Rezidentsiya, aka Manor Lukino, which is some 25 km from St. Basil’s.

In 2005, Patriarch Alexi II got the great idea that it would be nice to work closer to home. Since that means building a new Cathedral, the Church of St. Igor’s was built about 800 m from Lukino Manor. Now, his 77 year old successor, Patriarch Kirill, can walk to work in the summer.

Those who found this location before the hint:

  • hhgygy
  • Paul Voestermans
  • Martin de Bock
  • Garfield
  • Phil Ower
  • Lighthouse
  • Eloy Cano
  • Bas van Limpt
  • Kent Pearson
  • Graham Hedley
  • Turriant
  • Angie CF

And after the hint:

  • Ashwini Agrawal
  • bernd