Contest #877 – The Parting of the Ways, Farson, Wyoming, USA

Parting Of The Ways 2020 A, Sweetwater County, WY.jpg
By 25or6to4Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

In the latter half of the 1800s, as settlers traversed westward across North America, many worked their way towards California and Oregon territories, or attempted to settle in lands friendly to thier religion, moving along well established paths called the The California Trail, The Oregon Trail, and The Morman Trail. All 3 of these trails passed this point on their way to Fort Bridger, Wyoming. At this point, each wagon train would need to make a decision — either continue west-south-west across land with relatively easy access to water, or go the shorter path due west, saving about 85 miles, but which travelled through the Little Colorado Desert, and would involve 50 miles (3-4 days travel) without any access to water.

The amazing detectives who found this spot before the hint:

  • Lighthouse
  • Graham Hedley

And the hard working folks who deciphered the clue and found it after the hint:

  • Bas van Limpt
  • hhgygy
  • Phil Ower
  • donaaronio
  • David Kozina
  • Martin de Bock (with a bad internet connection!!)