This factory is the largest supplier of surströmming. What is this canned delight you ask? Our friends at Wikipedia describe it as “lightly salted, fermented Baltic Sea herring traditional to Swedish cuisine since at least the 16th century.” Similar to durian, It is said to be one of the worst smelling dishes available anywhere, and has generated a LOT of truly hilarious videos from non-Swedes trying to eat it. Just a few of these gems include:
Americans Try Surströmming
TRYING SUSTROMMINGS! (opening it in a closed car)
Top Gear – Sustromming
Complements of Paul Voestermans – Röda Ulven Surströmming – Fermented Baltic Herring. | Let’s ‘Dine About it! #14
Those who smelled what the Red Wolf (röda ulven) was cooking before the hint:
- Eloy Cano
- Martin de Bock
- Lighthouse
- Phil Ower
- hhgygy
- Turriant
- Paul Voestermans
- Bas van Limpt
And after the hint:
- Graham Hedley
- bernd
- Garfield
I sent you the correct answer but did not get any point?!?
I wrote “vomit alerts” according to this link:
I’m pretty sure I posted the said link too.
You didn’t post the link, only “vomit alert ?????????? ouch!”
I’ll go ahead and give you the point.